Biochar for Pasture Improvement
We travelled to Dale Park’s property just south of Badgingarra in the Northen Ag Region of Western Australia (WA) on Friday the 25th to lend a hand to Dale, Paul Blackwell from DAFWA and Dave Gartner from AG Lime WA to lay down the West Midlands Group’s first biochar trial under the Northern Agriculutral Catchments Council (NACC) Sustainable Farming grant.
This trial is looking at annual pasture response with an application of 2 different biochar with and without lime. The group also plans to run similar trials this year looking a responses from biochar applications in cropping systems in WA.
While Energy Farmers have no direct involvement into this project we are very much encouraged that work on biochar is being carried out and we see the integration of biochar into WA pasture and cropping systems as being a positive thing for agriculture.
For more information on the project and biochar in WA contact the West Midlands Group, Paul Blackwell from the DAFF office in Geraldton or visit our biochar page.
Here are a few photos of the day.